Welcome to SWSGUK

The website will be going through regular changes so please check in often to see new items and information thats added. If you have anything you feel will benefit others please contact us or share it in our facebook group. 

With the colder weather now approaching it is vital ALL new parents and exsisting mums and dads read the page about Torpor, Torpor is VERY deadly in captive gliders if not caught and treated early enough, so reading this one page could save your babies life.

Welcome to SWSGUK

Welcome to our new website, we've set this site up to give our parents and new keepers as much information as possible to care for their new Joeys to ensure they stay safe and healthy. 

We had our first breeding pair of sugar gliders back in 2014 and since then we've had the privilege to help other new keepers learn how to care for their sugar gliders, We enjoy helping others ensure they have the proper housing and diet, aswell as essentials like glider safe wheels, bedding and toys.

I will be updating the website regularly as new and better information about care and products come to light, We are constantly trying to better our knowledge and understanding about sugar gliders and always open to learning as the health and safety of our gliders is paramount.

Get Started!

What To Feed Your Sugar Gliders

Safe Sugar Glider Approved Cages And Wheels

Cage Sets, Pouches And Toys

UK Online Sugar Glider websites! Both Sell Supplements, Treats And Other Sugar Glider Related Items.

DONT FORGET TO CHECK OUR OTHER PAGES TOO SGS2 Mush Recipes, Links To Items To Buy, A Vet List 'To Help Locate A Vets Near You' Using Google Maps For Ease Of use ... Plus So Much More ....