Checklist For Items To Buy

A quick checklist for you for items needed to ensure the health and safety of your sugar gliders are met. Many of these items can be found in our link pages or from our vendors which can be found on our vendor page. 

Lets start with the obvious ... A Pair of sugar glider, but we highly recommend a Trio. 

The set up ... 

  • A cage (or vivarium) Min size 2x2ft by 4ft high for a pair of gliders. (You will need larger if more than a pair.) Bigger is always better!
  • A Sugar Glider safe wheel. 
  • Cage set - this can include Pouches, hammocks, vines and other items made from no pill fleece.
  • Cage cover (Optional but recommended) Large fleece cage cover or shower curtain (for cages to help keep drafts out and mess in).
  • Toys and Enrichment items like vines, bark and branches etc 
  • Cable ties to secure anything to ensure no escapes and c clips to hang stuff.
  • Substrate such as back to nature or fleece cut to the size of drop tray.
  • ceramic Food bowls x2 mininum for a pair.
  • Water bottles x2 minimum or a pair on the cage plus a spare one incase any need replacing. 


For Mush Making...

  • Blender or food processor.
  • Small pots or Silicon ice cube trays for the freezer.
  • Supplements for the SGS2 diet.


For Bonding ...

  • Bonding tent.
  • Bonding bag.
  • Treats.


Health and Safety Items 

  • Torpor kit.
  • Nail clipping set or nail clippers. 
  • Pet plastic travel carrier.
  • Fleece squares for pouches - little square blankets. 
  • 2 local vets - you will need to ensure they actually will accept to see a sugar glider for treatment.



  • F10 cleaning solution
  • (Optional) Steam cleaner



  • Teamperature Reader - Must have Min and Max readings. 
  • (Optional) Oil filled radiator - Temps MUST stay above 21 degrees.